Friday, July 8, 2011

Senses on Steroids

Monday: Crashed a 4th of July BBQ. Shout out to the US.of.A!
Tuesday: Normal Day
Wednesday: Normal Day
Thursday: Students protesting, gunshots, false arrest → house bound
Friday: Plane crash in Kisangani, 50+ presumed dead

Well, here are the highlights of the week in short. Every day is different with its own challenges, highs and lows, and unexpected events – some good, some tragic.

It is hard to believe it is the end of another week, already #4 in DRC.

My definition of what life is like overseas would be ‘senses on steroids,’ perhaps as demonstrated above they have to be. Just like any new environment, there is always a period of adapting. However, I have found that no matter how long I am in a foreign country, adaptation and learning is constantly taking place. I constantly find myself taking two steps forward and one step back. There is always something new: a language, culture, (acquiring) an appreciation of dietary intake, communication, etc.

This week I learned that in a group of Americans I have never met before, I feel at home.

I learned that situations can change at any moment and how to respond to them makes all the difference. In addition, such instances help you appreciate the boring, normal days.

Most importantly I learned that life is fragile. Fifty+ people dead isn’t just a figure but someone’s mother, son, sister, father, friend.

As I sit back and reflect over this past week, I am exhausted. But I am grateful I can feel that exhaustion and have the chance of rejuvenation tomorrow. Life is fragile, including mine, which could become a statistic someday. I am not invincible or exempt from experiencing the horrors of this world, rather they happen outside the front door or a few miles away. Reality check!

So thankful for the weekend -- appreciating life!

1 comment:

  1. these gun shot stories are freaking me out!
