(This is a picture of ADRA Headquarters in Antananarivo)
Today is the first day I have felt like a full-functioning human being; not foggy headed in the morning, etc. I feel like I am getting old since it normally only takes me 1-2 days to get over jet lag.
I went over to the Delhove's for lunch this afternoon. It was nice to get out and eat something besides my supply of corn flakes, tomatoes, oranges, cucumber and bread. Once I leave this temporary situation I plan on having more variety of food options but still plan on eating locally and not spending money on imported goods.
A couple and their little girl arrived from Ambositra today -- where I will be headed on Tuesday. They came to do some shopping. I met them briefly; it seems as though they will be becoming my family once I leave since there are limited non-Malagasy people where I am going. I am looking forward to that though and having more contact with the local people and culture. Their little girl is friendly and I have already learned her favorite color, which is blue and purple, as well as her family members -- which I think to her and my surprise, her brother's is pink! I hope to go out and do some shopping with them tomorrow as well as get a cell phone and my visa squared away.
Throughout the weekend I have learned numbers 1-10 in Malagasy: Iray, Rao, Telo, Efatra, Dimy, Enina, Fito, Volo, Sivy, and Folo. I think it will come in handy when I go shopping in the market. I am working on the higher numbers so I will know much things cost since the exchange rate is about $1 to 2,000Airy.
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekend in your respective locations.